Always Speak Your Truth
Photo by Quinton Pete
What They’re Saying:
Social Media, Article and Client Reviews…
“I need you to know you’re amazing! I have been working on my growth and in doing that , I’ve unfollowed a lot of “Influencers” because it left me feeling like I always needed something else. More make up, more supplements, whatever . [you] leave me, more inspired,hopeful and so often, introspective”
-Instagram Friend and Follower
“I just wanted to say thank you for posting your truth…and I am so glad I came across it. I really made me put things into perspective and realize life is too short to stay mad.”
-Instagram Friend and Follower
“You have been such and inspiration and so helpful to me…I just want to thank you for being you, sharing, and being so honest and raw. “
-Instagram Friend and Follower
"I have known Jena for over ten years and throughout our relationship she has always had a passion and gift to help others. She has a way of understanding your thoughts and putting them into words you never knew you could find, a way of understanding your true emotions and placing them in a box where you can begin your journey to heal. That is exactly what Jena has done for me. She has helped me overcome some of my darkest thoughts and places. Her soft loving approach makes it easier to understand what you feel is normal, and that you are allowed to feel. I am thankful for her help and how much she continues to coach me through my battles. For anyone who is feeling lost, “broken”, or simply wants to better their wellness overall, I recommend Jena. Aside from this wonderful gift she has, she is the sweetest gal to be around".
-Vasty (Client)
“Jena has always been a strong force in my life! She has been there for me going through a breakup and helped me rebuild my self worth when I felt so broken. She always pushes me in a positive direction and even when she was dealing with her moms death she showed much strength and self awareness. it was so healing and helpful to know someone like her and have her working with me.”
-Desiree (Client)